Friday 22 January 2016

Film Distributor's Association

Film Distributor's Association;

  • This website supplies the public with a vast list of films from past and present release, to future films to expect throughout the year.
  • What I found from observing this website myself is just how incredible the media industry is when it comes to making, producing, marketing and distributing films.

    - This is especially highlighted by the vast amount of information one is supplied with on this website.
    - You are given several pages to look at, including; information about the website itself, the ability to book cinema tickets for cinemas in  the UK from the website - as well as a page with a phenomenal amount of important information dedicated to highlighting the issues surrounding fraudulent cinema companies, institutions and distributors: who is effected by piracy and fraud within the film industry, and how a member of the public is able to help prevent and report any cases of piracy.
    - I particularly enjoyed reading this page because, ultimately, piracy is an issue I don't believe enough people understand:
                           - piracy results in members of the public exploiting the film industry, gaining hold of current, past and new releases and selling them out on the open market.
                           - this consequently means that the institutions, producers, directors, actors, distributors etc. - everyone involved, everyone who put extreme amounts of effort and remarkable hours to make that film - do not gain the profit they so desperately need, or the recognition they truly deserve.
  • Additionally, on the website you are able to see the current films which are in cinemas i.e; The 5th Wave, Ride Along 2 and Dark Places.
  • You can see what films are expected to come out in the next few weeks i.e; Capture the Flag and Dirty Grandpa.

  • And you can also discover what films will be released throughout the year i.e; Now You See Me 2, Dr. Strange and The Girl on the Train.
    - but alongside this information, you are supplied with information on who distributed the film (i.e; Warner Bros., Universal, Disney etc), when the film is aimed to be released and media information regarding that film - i.e; links to the film's website or social media pages.
  • The film I was most interested in looking at was Dark Places.
  • This is a film based on the novel by Gillian Flynn - the same woman who wrote Gone Girl - which also became a film and gained quite a lot of success.
  • I believe this highlights a key aspect in how and why institutions market their films in such a way; - 'Gone Girl' = a very successful novel before it was made into a film.
     - when it came out, the film posters used to campaign for the film contained the fact that the film was based on the novel written by Gillian Flynn.
                       - I myself read 'Gone Girl' - I loved it - and then decided to go and read 'Dark Places'. However, I never saw the film for 'Gone Girl'; yet I still desire to go and see the film for 'Dark Places' purely because I know and am aware that it is based on the author of 2 books which I love.
                      - And as I know the film for 'Gone Girl' was quite successful, this fills me with confidence at the prospect of going to the cinema to see 'Dark Places'.
  • Ultimately, I believe that this has become a key aspect of how institutions campaign their films to a target audience. Whether it be on posters, in magazines, or on an advert - using key selling points such as which actors are in the film, or if the film is based on a book or not - can really help in ensuring the campaign for a film reaches out to the desired target audience: which would help to ensure the film gets seen. This also means that during the distribution process, the film sells well in the cinemas, which would also mean - upon releasing the film for purchase through TV channels, DVD's etc, the total revenue is greater for all participants involved in the film; and they gain a profit.

1 comment:

  1. good research, why didn't you use this info in your essay?
